Fourteen new International Baccalaureate graduates and eleven Bilingual Diploma graduates.
9 jul. 2024
As of today, Monday 8th July, Arenas International School has 14 new International Baccalaureate graduates.
100% of the students who have taken these demanding courses over the last two academic years have passed the Diploma Programme and 11 of them have obtained the Bilingual Diploma.
The students have achieved excellent results, with the highest score being 37 out of a possible 45 points. Congratulations to our students Adrián Almeida, Carolina Belarra, Claudia Castillo, Yali Huang Chen, Angeles García, Nicola Guerri, Rodrigo Izquierdo, Daniela Lozano, Francisco Padin, Ainhoa Rodríguez, Daniel Rodríguez, Diego Santana, Alix Wei Wei and Marco Zordán. And we wish them the best of luck in the new path they are embarking on.