Art and Music

Above all, music and the visual arts are forms of expression and communication, making them vital aspects of our education as human beings. At our school, students are encouraged to enjoy the beauty and harmony that these disciplines have to offer.

From Preschool at Arenas Schools, children experience their first taste of musical creativity where they are encouraged to express themselves using their voice, movement and basic percussion instruments.

At this stage, students begin a process of development of fine motor and sound recognition skills through which they take part in enjoyable activities such as sharing their musical creations with the rest of the group.

Artistic education is a highly valued learning tool and is introduced from an early age. Artistic activity is creativity in its purest form, serving to expose the essence of human nature.

The Music

Musical Education: At school we have created an introductory programme to musical studies which has been designed to fit in with the school timetable where possible. The following activities are included in the programme:

  • Music and Movement, for students between 4 and 6 years old.
  • Musical Notation, from 7 years old.
  • Instrument lessons (piano, flute and saxophone), from 5 years old.

Within musical education at school, students also have the opportunity to take part in the school choir and the percussion group.